2020. 3. 1. 13:06ㆍ카테고리 없음
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That is really a matter of opinion. The map packs were all pretty decent.
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If you play a lot of zombies then the last map pack Apacolypse has the hardest zombie map. The maps were fairly decent on that one but I didn't think they were the best map add ons. The best zombie map for me was Mob of The Dead. That was in the Uprising map pack and I thought it had a good bunch of maps to go with it. Honestly I'm not sure which maps get voted more often. I have all the map packs and each map pack had a map I didn't care for much with the exception of Uprising.
Overall if the newer maps are in the rotation then they typically get voted for. Hope this helps. I will agree with this especially when you are being matched up with players.Each map pack will have 1 or 2 good MP maps and the others are awful.As for the Zombies maps, the pack with MotD was the most fun for me. Being stranded on Alcatraz set a good eerie mood for the game mode.All this is subjective and it really depends on your MP playing style and what you are looking for in Zombies.For me I prefer the Apocalypse pack. The four MP maps are not bad.
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I enjoy close quarters so most of the maps give rise to that. Origins, well I have not played it much so I cannot comment.The season pass if you are willing to dish out the dosh will of course do away with all your worries.